PTA General Meeting Minutes 10/12/23
Standards Referenced Report Cards
It’s to see where a student is in relation to end of the year goals (1-4)
At the beginning of the year 1-2s and by the end of the year, all 3s
Reporting is done on the common core standards that are the most important
STAR test-quick Fall-Winter-Spring
iReady Fall-Winter-Spring
Mypath -more individualized math path for each student
Assessments from Principal Wright for Teacher Clarity
What are you learning?
Why are you learning it?
How will you know when you’ve learned it?
Characteristics of a Successful Learner: Rarely, sometimes, consistently
Project Lead the Way-science/engineering for every grade
Standardized testing for 3 rd , 4 th , and 5 th graders-reported on the report card the following year
-Book Fair
-Recommend lower inventory this year due to excess inventory last year
-Photocopy the ones that are running low or book List
-Set up Sunday Nov 5; clean up November 9
-Tuesday 745am-830am 230pm-5pm
-Wednesday 745am-830am; 2:30pm-7pm, Thursday afternoon 7:45am-12pm
-Buy anything for your kids’ teacher, box and label books for the teacher
-Fundraising through shopping at Good Food Store, Yokes, Mabels Labels
-Online store: Order on the PTA website, pay online and can either have it mailed to you ($$) or
have it delivered to the room across from the secretary.
Next meeting will feature the school resource officer-physical and online safety
Parent Sawyer White is experienced with science kids programming and is interested in starting
Science Club. Five Guys night and Thomas Meager Bar to fund a science club.
-Frequency: TBD
-Involvement: K-5
Add Winter Concert, Snowball Rodeo in January 2024-Catherine Farley
-Eventbright online ticketing tool $10 per ticket to contribute to $800
-Consider arts/crafts or bingo
-Consider food plus concert
-Consider family event