PTA leadership meeting minutes 6/22/23

PTA June Leadership Meeting Minutes


Review of final budget in detail at this meeting. Budget was presented at June general PTA meeting

open to the public as well.

Motion to approve the budget by Melody Nelsen. Second by Meredith Ross.

Motion to open savings account and move $50,000 to savings. Motion by Meredith Ross. Second by

Melody Nelson.

Investigation into short term CD for earning interest on money that is already in PTA account has been


Motion to approve movement of up to $50,000 to short term CD for earning interest. Motion by

Melody Nelsen. Second by Meredith Ross.

Review of the PTA events calendar for the year.

Information regarding planning for each event shared.

Clear, extensive data files shared from outgoing PTA President Dana Hupp. Members of the leadership

committee confirmed receipt of these files.

Discussion regarding timing and frequency of meetings for 2023-2024 school year. Will plan to pair a

PTA meeting with the school yard clean up in September. Further discussion ongoing.

Discussion regarding swag budget and amount of swag available. New swag reviewed. Discussion

regarding which events will include swag sales next year.


School Supply Lists


Summer Meals