Battle of the Books 2023-2024 Information & Reading List
Dear 4th and 5th Grade Families:
Rattlesnake, in conjunction with Missoula County Public Schools (MCPS), is bringing Battle of the Books (BOB) to Rattlesnake Elementary School again next year. Robin Nygren, Rattlesnake’s Librarian, will be overseeing the BOB program beginning next year and can be contacted at with your questions.
What is Battle of the Books? BOB is a volunteer reading program for Rattlesnake Elementary 4th and 5th graders. The purpose of the program is to encourage students to read and help increase their reading comprehension. Participating students meet weekly and also participate in reading comprehension “Battles” in teams of three every two months. The program takes place during school hours. The goal is to make reading fun!
How Does a Student Sign Up? To participate, your student will need to complete the sign-up sheet provided by their teacher. A sign-up sheet will come home in September.
When do Participating Students Meet? Participating students meet one day a week during their lunch and lunch recess beginning in October and continuing through April. Parent volunteers facilitate discussion and book-related activities during the weekly meeting.
What is a “Battle”? A Battle will be held at the end of each two-month period (December, February, and April). Each Battle will take place during school and will last approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Student teams earn points by answering questions about the four books they have read during that two-month period. The teams accumulate points as the year progresses. The team with the most points after the third Battle has the opportunity to compete in a final district-wide Battle hosted by MCPS in April.
How are Teams Selected? Students are able to select their own teammates within their own grade level. We anticipate that not all students will have a “team” and, therefore, the volunteers will group students in teams of three, as needed. MCPS rules do not allow us to change the makeup of the teams after the first Battle, so it is very important that students understand that this is a commitment to their respective team members. If a student drops out, then a team will consist of one less person.
What Books are on the BOB List and Where Can We Get Them? This year’s reading list is set forth below. Families can purchase the books on their own and/or get them from the local library (the school library has limited copies available).
Battle One:
Amina’s Voice, By Hena Khan
Ban This Book, By Alan Gratz
Because of Mr. Terupt, By Rob Buyea
Dinosaurs, Fossils and Feathers, By M.K. Reed
Battle Two:
Fish in a Tree, By Lynda Mullaly Hunt
Front Desk, By Kelly Yang
The Strange Case of Origami Yoda, By Tom Angleberger
Real Friends, By Shannon Hale
Battle Three:
Space Case, By Stuart Gibbs
Enginerds, By Jarrett Lerner
Jake the Fake Keeps it Real, By Craig Robinson
Diamond Willow, By Helen Frost